We are delighted to announce that we have just received our delivery of Annick Goutal skincare.
Annick Goutal has remained faithful to the magic of the rose. The Splendide skincare is richly formulated using the sap of the petal and this rich active ingredient is extremely concentrated with anti-free radical, energising, revitalising, moisturising and bactericide properties.
Active Rose serum contains everything needed to keep skin in optimal condition. This natural elixir is brimming with trace elements (magnesium, calcium..) and hightly concentrated in vitamins (A, B5, E, F and C), giving it a unique anti-ageing property. Thanks to its bactericide properties the Active Rose serum allows the amount of preservatives required to be kept to an absolute minimum, wonderful news for the most sensitive of skins.
The range includes Creme Splendide, Creme Splendide night, Splendide Elixir, Splendide Serum, Splendide masque, Splendide rose facial spray, lip balm, Facial Exfoliant, Eye balm and the best anti-ageing hand cream. All too delicious!!
When you purchase 2 or more products from the skincare range, we have a beautiful makeup bag with deluxe samples to give you with our compliments.